The latest 5th February, Alongarvi Badminton Club organized a new journay within the Pilot Program, B4ALL along with the 5th grade students of "CEIP La Rábida" and students from the special education center "Aspromin Plena Inclusion ” from El Campillo, Huelva (Andalucía).
Their main goal was to promote the physical activity and sport in inclusive contexts,where people with disabilities and without them could take part all together. Besides, raise awareness in students was another important aim to show them about how esential is physical activity and sport for people´s health and bringing all of them with equal opportunities.
Sport is one of the most importact factor since the grassroots. It plays a socializing and formative role, in young boys and girls and It also helps with integration with your embracing diversity and building character and identity.
Inclusion is about sharing not only the experience of being with others, but to share some rules, objectives and collect all kind of experiences, not necessarily have to
to be winning, but also learn rules and ways of being with others.
This participation in the Alongarvi Badminton Club´s second day had 24 participants from "CEIP La Rábida" (21 players 3 and teachers). From people with mental disabilities who took part in it, 19 of them were players, 1 was a women and 18 men. Besides, 10 more people as collaborators between volunteers and caregivers.
Last but not least, satisfaction questionnaires to assess the activity were distributed to volunteers and caregivers, being answered by everyone in a very positive way. In its evaluation the answer was “very satisfactory" and "in accordance ” with the activity.Finally, 100% of all participants chose the option "I would like to repeat", fact which shows us one more time,how satisfactory and easy is to keep working all together in the same direction: inclusion through sport is possible.