This event was handled by Liberto Navalón, with a large experience as a badminton coach and maximum club leader, and María Jesús Almagro, Level II badminton coach who is in charge of the base sport and at the same time, she is also the responsible person of " Looking for a champion" project. Both of them are currently belonging to Alicante Badminton Club.
The attendance at the event was very rewarding. A total of twelve players from Alicante Badminton Club and eleven people with functional diversity (users in wheelchairs, amputees, limb disorders, intellectual deficit, ...), had the opportunity to practice this sport together with twenty members of the club, facilitating an inclusive practice that broke completely with the stereotypes bringing the adhesion of people with functional diversity to the badminton clubs of our national territory.
Besides, some players and managers who attended to the event, could provided us their point of views about the event.
- "It seems to me a very interesting activity, because it supposes a unique opportunity to live inclusive moments through sport", affirms the director of an occupational center.
This way has just started. The next appointment will take place on 22nd September but , at that time, the modality of inclusive athletics will be main character.