The Badminton Rinconada club celebrates the I Days of adapted and inclusive sport together with the Federation of Sports Journalists of Andalusia (FPDA) which took place at Cartuja facilities in which exhibitions, activities and the attendance of Paralympic athletes were also witnessed from Andalusia.
Various entities collaborated in this activity, such as the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Junta de Andalucía, the Public Tourism and Sports Company, the Andalusian Confederation of Sports Federations, the Diputación de Sevilla, ONCE, Coca Cola Iberian Parthers and several Andalusian Federations of Physical and Intellectual Disabilities.
Likewise, the Badminton Rinconada Club adheres to the organization as a collaborating Club, leading the direction and development of the activities carried out on Saturday morning in the framework chosen for this activity.
►Document 1 : collaborating entities